Tag Archives: Tuukka Rask


In case you live under a rock, on the moon, or generally don’t have an understanding of the outside world and the events within it, something very extraordinary happened. Yes, something we’ve all been waiting for. Something so intense and magical that the world will be forever changed.

George Lucas got MARRIED!



This is the biggest news of the week.

OHHHH, that and the Chicago Blackhawks defeated the Boston Bruins in the final two minutes of Game Six of the Stanley Cup playoffs and are now THE REIGNING STANLEY CUP CHAMPIONS AND WIN FOREVER ON INFINITE EARTHS! SPORTS IS GOOD! SPORTS IS GOOD! SPORTS IS GOOD!



Coming out of pummeling the Bruins on Saturday, the Blackhawks traveled to Boston for Game Six. At first the game was steady and intense, but the intensity heightened when Andrew Shaw took a puck to the face in the first period.

Blackhawk down!

Blackhawk down!

The classy, upstanding citizens known as Bruins fans booed the disoriented and injured Shaw as he was helped off the ice. We feared that Shaw would be out for the game, but he returned. He returned and landed in the penalty box immediately because Boston roiled him up, now they had to deal with the Shaw we saw shout “I’ll f—ing kill you!” at the Wild, the Shaw who checked one of the Red Wings in the kidneys with his stick, and the Shaw we had not seen since the beginning of the playoffs.

Best behavior does not equate giving a shit

Best behavior does not equal giving a shit

Stitched up and skates laced, Shaw joined the rest of the Blackhawks in the second period where Captain Toews tied up the score. The third period had Chicago white-knucked and sweating. Boston took the lead and it seemed that Game Seven was inevitable with two minutes left in the game. Then, within 17.7 SECONDS OF EACH OTHER, Bryan Bickell tied up the score and, with a minute left, Dave “The Rat” Bolland scored the shot that won the Chicago Blackhawks Lord Stanley’s Cup.

Keep in mind, in 17.7 seconds the Blackhawks scored as many points against the Bruins as the Penguins did in their entire playoff series.

Every Blackhawk fan feels like this today (even through the hangover)

Every Blackhawk fan feels like this today (even through the hangover)

We won the Stanley Cup. We won the Stanley Cup with Patrick Sharp returning from a season of injuries to score more goals in the playoffs than he did during the regular season. We won the Stanley Cup with Patrick Kane shooting his way to being the highest-scoring player in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. We won with Corey Crawford overcoming the criticism and doubt of fans and being the most important asset to the Blackhawks in the playoffs. We won with Andrew Shaw and Bryan Bickell learning to reel in their rabid nature and focus that energy on being top-notch, reliable hockey players. We won Toews knowing his power with assists and allowing other players to shine. We won with Seabrook scoring crucial final goals in overtime. We won with Saad scoring his first ever playoff goal in the crucial first game against the Bruins. We won with the entire team taking down feared goalies like Jonathan Quick and Tuukka Rask. We won the Stanley Cup with Hossa, Frolik, Oduya, Stalberg, and Keith. We won the Stanley Cup with Dave Bolland recovering from a shaky playoff season to come back and score the game-winning goal that earned the Chicago Blackhawks the Stanley Cup.


We won because the Blackhawks are a team.

We won because the Blackhawks are a damn good team.

We won because no player is more important than any other player.

Because it’s the Cup.

In an era of sports where each team has a shimmering superstar glowing from the dull crown of the roster, the Chicago Blackhawks have no Lebron James, Derrick Rose, Derek Jeter, or Tom Brady. The metaphorical crown of the Blackhawks is blinding with equally-valuable jewels. They don’t rely on one member of the team exclusively; they rely on each other and play off of each other’s talents. For every Captain Toews jersey on Clark Street after Game Six ended, there were just as many Sharp, Bolland, Bollig, and Stalberg jerseys. Each player is important, and in the City of Big Shoulders, these shoulders stand strong because of the surrounding shoulders they have to rely on.

Blackhawks Win!

Blackhawks Win!

Blackhawks Win!

Blackhawks Win!

Blackhawks Win

Blackhawks Win!

Blackhawks Win!

Blackhawks Win!

Blackhawks Win!

Blackhawks Win!

Blackhawks Win!

Blackhawks Win!

The Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup because they are a solid powerhouse of talent. Congratulations, Chicago Blackhawks, thank you for a fantastic ride.

Peep the new whiz!

Peep the new shiz!

Now that it’s all over and the Chicago Blackhawks have won the Stanley Cup, all that’s left to do is party. Luckily, Clark Street Sports has a variety of Stanley Cup Championship shirts and hats to choose from for all of your Stanley Cup partying needs. We also have shirts so you can represent your favorite players like Andrew Shaw, Jonathan Toews, Patrick Kane, Corey Crawford, Duncan Keith, and many more. Visit one of our many locations in the Chicago area or visit our website,, and nab a piece of hockey history before they’re all gone.

Until October, Blackhawks!

Sports Is Good!

Sports Is Good!


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Party Alert: HIGH

Okay, Blackhawks fans, the party alert system is in the red! Tonight may bring a crushing defeat that leaves us drinking on our couches, cussing at our bartenders, and perhaps catching a tear or two in our beers. However, tonight may also bring the wave of victory upon Chicago, Illinois that will sweep up its residents and the streets of the Windy City will flood with Blackhawks fans and champagne foam and the only sound to be heard will be the chorus of The Fratelli’s “Chelsea Dagger.”

Make this happen! We are ready to party!

Make this happen! We are ready to party!


Game Five showed the Blackhawks have what it takes to take down Tuukka Rask’s defensive wall while keeping Boston’s offense on the edge. The game ended with Corey Crawford blocking twenty-nine shots and Patrick Kane one goal away from a hat trick. Dave Bolland’s empty-netter in the third period felt just as great as the Red Wings empty netter hurt in Game Four. It was also exactly what Bolland needed after the shut-out game left him personally defeated. Crawford’s ability to rapidly fix the weak spot in his defense (read: his Buckner glove) was crucial to their success.


How ya like me now?

How ya like me now?

Tonight’s game does bring about an interesting challenge for both teams. The Blackhawks may be forced to play without Captain Serious, Jonathan Toews, and the Bruins may be forced to play without their star Patrice Bergeron. Both were injured in Game Five, but Coach Q says Toews is good to play in tonight’s game. This is a dicey move since his returning too soon from suffering from a concussion last year prevented him from being the player he was previous to the injury. The game could come down to playing at-risk players and forcing the team to learn to play with that handicap or play without a teammate they have relied on all season. Whatever happens, tonight is going to be interesting and exciting.

Please, please, please, please let tonight look like this. Please, please, please.

Please, please, please, please let tonight look like this. Please, please, please.


Of course, tonight’s victory is not guaranteed. No one wants to jinx it by saying tonight is in the bag. Tonight will be the night that all die-hard sports fans, in Chicago and in Boston, will be on the edge of their seats performing all of their game time superstitions to convince the cosmos to find in favor of their beloved team. The ratty lucky jerseys, the specific game time beer, and the best hockey-watching establishments will all be pulled out tonight because we’re in the final stretch. This is it. Tonight could be the end of a hockey season that was both short and exhilarating. From the Blackhawks record-shattering regular season to the playoffs that have been a roller coaster ride of emotions that has left every Blackhawks fan with an irregular heartbeat, eye twitch, and an irregular sleeping pattern. Chill that champagne, but don’t be too eager to uncork it. The Blackhawks are at the top of their game, let’s hope that they remain that way and skate away from Boston with the Stanley Cup because Chicago is ready to party with that fun trophy.

Pictured: FUN TROPHY

Pictured: FUN TROPHY


In other sports news, it is rumored that Luol “Deng Bang” Deng will be traded to the Cavaliers. Still no word on where Nate Robinson will end up, so keep your fingers crossed that next year’s Bulls roster has Joakim Noah and Nate Robinson running the show.

Way up top, buddy.

Way up top, buddy.


If the Blackhawks lose tonight, we’ve got another game ahead of us to get the Cup. If they win tonight, we’ve got a lot of parades to attend and a lot of booze to drink. How fly are your Blackhawks threads? Keep your lucky jersey, but be sure to update your Stanley Cup attire with us. Whether you visit one of our stores or check out our selection at, we have all of the Kane jerseys, Shaw shirts, Bickell swag, and Oduya gear to keep you looking Sharp!

We'll keep you lookin' SHARP!

Pictured: FUN TROPHY


And above all else, remember this: There is only one team with a bear for a mascot that is worth rooting for, and that team is in Chicago!

And those Bears will be back in August and ready to take down the Patriots.

And those Bears will be back in August and ready to take down the Patriots.




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Game Three: The Ugliest Game

Well, as the Blackhawks have not won a third game in any playoff series this year, perhaps this loss in the series against the Bruins shouldn’t come as such a crushing blow.

Whatever. We can all be a little defeated about this defeat in Boston.

The game was rough, to say the least. The Blackhawks were, apparently, never destined to have that third game win in this Stanley Cup playoff. Though our spirits were lifted knowing that Stalberg would be rejoining the team, spirits were crushed with the last minute scratch of Marian Hossa, the crown jewel of the Chicago Blackhawks offense and the leading scorer this season. This isn’t to say the Blackhawks didn’t stand a chance without Hossa, but it didn’t help.

Baby, come back! You can blame it all on me!

Baby, come back! You can blame it all on me!


The Blackhawks can recover from this, obviously. When the chips were down against the Detroit Red Wings, the Blackhawks rallied to win three games in a row and move onto play and defeat the former Stanley Cup champions, the Los Angeles Kings. However, the Boston Bruins are not the Red Wings. Though the games against Detroit were long, intense, and full of adrenaline and excitement, the Boston Bruins are far more disciplined and focused. Before facing the Blackhawks in the Stanley Cup finals, they shut down the Penguins, who were the second highest scoring team in the NHL (coming in second to the Blackhawks). They also know how to play great defense. The Bruins had the Blackhawks shooting from the perimeter which made goalie Tuukka Rask’s job incredibly easy. Rask’s shut out last night resulted in his deflecting twenty eight shots; whereas Corey Crawford had thirty-three saves, two goals still went in and allowed Boston to win the game.

Super casual

Super casual


Rask cannot be taken lightly by the Blackhawks. Though Boston’s defense is strong, it is Rask that is looking more and more impenetrable. Rask makes Jonathan Quick look sloppy. In four games against the Penguins, the then second highest scoring team in the NHL, Rask allowed two goals. In the five game series against the Rangers, Rask allowed five goals. In every series, Rask is gaining strength and precision and getting better and better as he learns how each team operates and adapts to their style in order to keep them from winning. His shut outs should be no surprise; his talent and attention to detail keep him on top of his game when it is most crucial. His hockey talent is so astounding, he should be recruited by Professor X.

"Come on, guys, we gotta get Rask and play the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants!"

“Come on, guys, we gotta get Rask and play the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants!”


The Bruins themselves aren’t the only obstacle in the way of the Blackhawks. The Blackhawks are a major obstacle for the Blackhawks. Hossa being out of Game Three was a crushing blow to the team as was the clearly injured Toews who was seen icing his hand when he wasn’t on the ice, but the Blackhawks’ inability to take advantage of power plays and win face-offs is not helping them win any games. Game Three against the Bruins saw the Blackhawks win a mere 29% of their face-offs. Allowing the Bruins to gain control of the puck in 71% of the face-offs is unacceptable.

Toews, the only face off that you are allowed to lose is your Blu-Ray copy of "Face/Off."

Toews, the only face off that you are allowed to lose is your Blu-Ray copy of “Face/Off.”


The power play statistics are just as abysmal, if not just flat out worse. In this current series the Blackhawks are 0-9 in power plays. In the playoffs as a whole they are 7-60. Clearly power plays are the Blackhawks’ Achilles’ heel. At the press conference after the game, Joel Quenneville said, “Our power play tonight was definitely not good.” Good call, coach.

Look for Quenneville's upcoming book, "I Like Yelling And Other Completely Obvious Observations"

Look for Quenneville’s upcoming book, “I Like Yelling (And Other Completely Obvious Observations)”


Though the shut out game was a real slap in the pride for the Blackhawks and for Chicago, one thing kept us all clapping and cheering for the Blackhawks at the end: a melee in front of Rask’s goal net. Chara used the last ten seconds to pick a fight with Bickell, and that’s when Andrew Shaw and Brad Marchand decided it was time to finally get to the fight they had been wanting to have the entire night. Where we all know that fights lead to penalties which lead to power plays, in that last ten seconds, if you were very quiet, you could hear Chicago cheering and yelling, “Beat the hell out of him, Shaw!” Of course, you could not have possibly been quiet enough to hear it because, admit it, you were screaming it too.


Ten seconds left? LET'S RUMBLE!

Ten seconds left? LET’S RUMBLE!

That game was awful. The Blackhawks got shut out. It was the ugliest of the ugly games. Hell, let’s look at Shaw beating up Marchand again.

Shawzer Forever

Shawzer Forever


The last ten seconds were just completely nuts.




So, the Blackhawks are down but they are not out. Never bet against a Chicago team when the odds are against them because that is when Chicago shines (okay, except the Cubs, but that’s a different story). The Blackhawks tend to not only come back from a mighty fall, they rise from it like a phoenix and burn through any obstacle that stands in their way. When it looked like they were going to lose against Detroit, they punched through everything and moved on. If they can focus on finding the weak link in Rask’s armor and build up their face off and power play wins, then the Stanley Cup is Chicago’s.

Let people know you mean BUSINESS!

Let people know you mean BUSINESS!


With the last few games coming up, and hockey ending until this fall, it’s time to show your love for the Blackhawks. If you’re going to show your love for someone, it’s gotta be that Andrew Shaw who has not only stepped up to be a crucial closer in the playoffs but is also the scrappiest little guy on the ice. Get this Andrew Shaw shirt at one of our stores or online at Commit to the Indian, Chicago!


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